The winners have been announced - hema is a partner of RAW.21

For a long time it was uncertain whether the evening could take place as planned. The regulations for events of the state of Baden-Württemberg did not make it easy for the organisation team of the Junior Chamber of Commerce and the Business Club to make the right decision.

By acting flexibly and quickly, the event was unceremoniously rescheduled and additionally made digital so that people who could not attend in person could still follow the highlights of the evening.

About 50 guests were welcomed. The District Administrator of the Ostalbkreis, Dr. Joachim Bläse, and the Managing Director of the Ostwürttemberg Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Thilo Rentschler, were among the guests. The audience consisted of representatives of the 16 applicants, the committee, the sponsors and members of the business club and the Junior Chamber of Commerce.

The evening started with an inspiring lecture by Joachim Simon, expert in leadership development and self-leadership. How do you apply the findings from resilience research in leadership behaviour as a superior? Based on absenteeism statistics and experiences from different areas, he explained vividly and very entertainingly how important a leadership ID is for the company.

The winner of the RAW.21 award, which was presented for the first time, is Chr. Renz GmbH from Heubach, which was able to absolutely convince the committee with its Renz Protective Equipment division. Right from the start of the pandemic, Renz developed and marketed flexible and fast face shields. The impetus for a series of inventions and offers to help contain the pandemic.

As a partner of the first hour, hema electronic supports the award of the Wirtschaftsjunioren and the Wirtschaftsclub Ostwürttemberg. 'It was also important to us that we remain innovative during the crisis and that even more customers can benefit from our offer,' says Oliver Helzle. "That's why, among other things, we invited people to hema VISION DAYS in June 2021. RAW.21 gives us all inspiration and spirit not to bury our heads in the sand in difficult times."

Inspired by the great success and the large number of applicants this year, the RAW team plans to present the Resilience Award again next year.


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