Team activities and summer at hema

Once again this year, many team activities were on the summer program at hema electronic in Aalen. In addition to barbecues and city cycling, summer enjoyment in the office is never missed out.

In the summertime, hema traditionally likes to organize a barbecue on the in-house terrace with all colleagues. When the weather is nice, the grill is spontaneously fired up and we eat together in a relaxed atmosphere. This year, again, the employees followed the invitation.

Moving things forward together is a top priority at hema - which is why participation in the annual city cycling event is a matter of course. Also in this year some kilometers were collected during the initiative "STADTRADELN im Ostalbkreis". Our team "hema Radler" has cycled 256 kilometers together. Many thanks to our sporty participants!

What would summer be without a delicious, ice-cold ice cream? The ice cream fridge in the kitchen of hema electronic is well filled during the whole summer and everybody is happy about a cooling down or just a short break in between.

This makes summer fun and enjoyable, whether in the office or on the manufacturing floor!