Two generations, one company: succession planning at hema

Two generations characterize the family-owned company hema: In an interview with IHK (chamber of commerce and industry) Ostwürttemberg, Charlotte Helzle and her son Oliver Helzle talk about their shared leadership and succession planning in the company.

"We have carried out a generational change not only between my mother and me, but also in the entire management team - slowly, continuously and according to a well thought-out plan. hema is growing continuously and we have set the course to continue to prove ourselves in the market. Together with my team, I am now devoting myself to important topics such as innovation planning and the development of future managers. I'm glad to have my mother by my side in this."

Read the entire interview with Oliver Helzle in the IHK magazine Ostwürttemberg (German language only) about cross-generational cooperation and succession planning in the company.