Things to know about our activities


Things to know about our activities

Find out more about us and our commitment to to the future of technology and society


hema electronic in the media

At this point we want to tell you more about hema. The projects we promote, the research and innovation projects, the fairs and congresses we attend, a wide range of topics is on our minds. In addition to the information posted here, there is even more about us on our social media channels Facebook, LinkedIn and XING.

hema in der PC & Industrie 10-2021

hema in the PC & Industrie magazine

The current PC & Industrie magazine reports on page 6 about our innovative design platform for image processing just in time for the VISION 2021 trade show.

RAW.21 Resilience Award 2021

hema as partner of RAW.21

"True innovation, adaptable strategies and effective implementation must go hand-in-hand with corporate and social responsibility. This is the key to a company's success."