Nominiert für den messtec + sensor masters award 2021


The online voting for the messtec + sensor masters award 2021 is now open on the website Voting is possible there up to and including August 9, 2021.

With our embedded vision platform we are nominated in the category measurement technology/sensor technology.

We are very pleased about this. What is the product of the year for you? You can find all the details at www.msm-award.

The hema Embedded Vision Platform brings customer-specific projects to a vision prototype within six weeks.

Customers select the required interfaces, computing power and memory equipment as well as software from the hema embedded vision construction kit. Within a short time, Hema defines a corresponding electronic board. The manufacturer uses over 45 building blocks that can be freely configured. System-on-Modules with ARM processors and FPGA logics provide the process-related functionalities. Customers receive customized electronics within six weeks and at a manageable cost. It is based on proven circuits suitable for industrial use. Customer-specific circuits or new functions can be easily integrated. The prototype can be quickly and efficiently developed to production readiness.